Building Regs and CH boliers in Garages
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Building Regs and CH boliers in Garages

by swills » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:46 am

Hiya Don't know if anyone can assist? I live in a property that was built in 1998, it is joined to next door by the garage, next door's boiler is in his garage, BUT it keeps us awake at night when it fires up, sometimes til 2 or 3 in the morning 2 mins on, 2 mins off, 2 mins on 2 mins off, sometimes it goes 5 or 6 mins off and lulls you into a false sense of security! I have spoken to next door casually, but he says there is not much he can do, it's on for heat and water.
I do a Safety Critical Job, getting up at 0400 some weeks, we approached a sound proofing firm, but that worked out very expensive, but he did say that such an installation falls foul of Building Regs (?) The hosues we live in were at the end of the building of the estate, and corners were cut we have found out since! but would it have fallen foul of regs in 1998 ?

It's driving us up the wall ! :evil:

Thnx for any help you can give

welsh brickie
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by welsh brickie » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:34 pm

Contact building control and ask him to come round,the local council will have had to pass the build.He will advise you.

Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:12 pm

Re: boiler

by swills » Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:14 pm

[quote="welsh brickie"]Contact building control and ask him to come round,the local council will have had to pass the build.He will advise you.[/quote]

thanks for that will fo that, the orginal post was not too clear on reading back.

House joined by garage, his boiler is on the outside wall of his garage, as it can't go in the house due to the location of the kitchen

The noise is coming via the wall as the boiler is obviously secured to it!

The previous neighbours did not use the CH so much, so it's only now become such a pain in the backside !

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