existing wiring as follows for the bathroom.
a have two main switches outside the bathroom door and one cable goes to centre light, which i gather acts as a ring main, cause it has a cable going to the hall light and bedroom. then another cable from this centre light goes to another centre light in bathroom, which has a cable going to kitchen lights, extractor fan and to a juction box. another cable from this junction box goes to the second main switch.
I now want to do away with the centre lights and put 3 mains down light instead which has a connector block connected to them with live and neutral wire spacing only. How would i wire these 3 together to run from the one light switch? I presume i would have to wire the others into a choc block or jucntion box, asis the wires in the centre light? what amp jucntion box would i need and is 1.5mm cable good enough for the job?
sorry im a novice but understand a bit.