by fisha »
Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:18 pm
My problem with the water rig i have built is that, its powered from a 13amp socket, however the rigs water is fed from the mains which would already be earthed elsewhere. My plan was to earth the rig from a nearby earthbar and loop all the extraneous parts of the rig including the copper pipes with an earth. My question is if i do this do i need to connect the earth from the socket to this as well. i.e. to satisify equipotential bonding. I may be going over the top here ericmark. However it would be nice to include something about the earthing in my report. The mains water is connected to a plastic tank however the water inside the tank will be treated with calcium nitrate solution to increase its conductivity. Would you stay away from the earthbar in the nearby panel and just earth the rig from the socket . Thanks again for your reply its been a great help