Damp house for at least 25 years
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Damp house for at least 25 years

by quackersduck » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:49 am

First post, and I apologize in advanced for my lack of building and structural knowledge.

Firstly my parents live in a two bedroomed bungalow which, to my knowledge, has always suffered from being damp, they even run two dehumidifiers (whether they are decent or not, i do not know.)

My parents won't get any builders involved as they think it is a waste of time and the house will always remain damp, but I think otherwise and want to advise them on getting help.

The exterior walls seem to get mould of them the worst, however, the interior walls get mouldy too. Underneath the house the floor is usually wet, when at it's worst there are big puddles down there.

So, what can be done and any advice / knowledge on why this is and what is causing it?

I don't want my parents living like this and don't think it is healthy, the house has a very musty horrible damp smell and a lot of things can get damp and even moudly if left near the walls.

please help!!! (There is only so much i can clean! )

Thank you! :)

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by welsh brickie » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:02 pm

There are a few things you can do yourself to stop the damp.
Make sure the air bricks are clear from obstructions and fit more.
Fit trickle vents to all the windows.
Check for cracks in the brickwork or render and repair.
Spray the outside walls with a silicone solution to prevent damp.

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by Perry525 » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:14 pm

Start at the outside.
Very often, over the years different people improve things?
A favourite is to lay paths outside. And improve flower beds.
Gradually the paths and flower beds rise above the damp proof course and damp is introduced into the building.
Walk round the home and check that nothing is within 6 inches of a damp proof course, 9 inches is better. If paths are, cut them back away from the walls by a foot or more. Ditto flower beds.
The damp proof course is always level with the bottom of the front and back doors.

Go up in the loft and using a bright light check each of the rafters for water marks and patches. Check the slates or tiles for water marks.

Go out side and check that the gutters are working properly (best to do this when it pouring with rain) rain should stay in the gutters and run down inside the down pipes.

Look at the chimneys, study the chimneys with binoculars, or if they have a ladder go up and look at the flashing, is it tucked in the bricks courses is the mortar good. Is the benching round the chimney pots looking good. While your at it look at every slate or tile to see if they are perfect.

Go into the kitchen and bathroom and check for leaks. Jump on the floors to see if they move.

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by elfriedamiller » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:02 am

Nowadays, home is structured in this way that there is no arrangement of proper sunlight and air flow. Because of this, most of the folks are facing the problem of mold and damp areas in the home. But, to avoid this a lot of electronic appliances are available in the market that help to remove this problem. You can use dehumidifier to remove humidity from air. High humidity is the main reason of mold and dump problem.

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