by andylad303 »
Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:25 pm
Hi, could someone please advise me. I have wired my sons garage up ( radial) with 2 double sockets and a light. I have fitted a 2 way c/u in the garage which is non RCD. When I came to connect up in the house to the main c/u I noticed that there are no spare ways on the RCD protected side of the c/u, though there are 3 spare ways on the non RCD side. I believe the garage must be RCD protected, could I connect up to the ring 32amp for the upstairs sockets as they are hardly used or would I be able to move an MCB from the RCD side to the non RCD side. The protected side consists of 40 amp shower MCB, 3 32amp ring main MCB's and a 16amp MCB for the combi boiler. Is it possible for the combi boiler to be on the non protected side? Any advice would be grateful.