Kitchen Drain/waste pipes
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Kitchen Drain/waste pipes

by joe4542 » Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:49 am

Hi guys,
I'm in the progress of re-doing my kitchen, but will soon need to do the waste pipes and could do with some advice.
I had planned on the pipes being in a sort of 'T' shape with the Sink trap (with dishwasher feeding onto one of the Spigot pipes) on the right side of the 'T', the Washing machine using a standpipe arrangement being on the 'Upright' part of the 'T', and the left part of the 'T' goes through the wall out to a hopper on a drainpipe (we're in first floor flat).
[b]Still with me???[/b]
I was going to ask what sort of 'fall' I should have on the pipes, the Sink branch being appx 80-90cm long to the t-piece, and the Wash machine branch being appx 50cm long. But then I realised that the sink trap would be about 60cm from floor level, but washing machine trap - due to standpipe arrangement would be much lower... :?
Would it still be poss to join the two branches at a t-piece and run one waste through the wall - even though the sink branch would have something like a 30deg fall on it, to the t-piece?? Or am I likely to have to drill two separte exits for the Sink + washing machine drains??
Obviously I'd prefer not to have to do the latter cos
1) It'll take ages to drill two holes with the core drill
2) I think it looks ugly when there are pipes coming out of the wall outside... :(

Any help greatly accepted, O wise ones :D

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