I've fitted a new downstairs radiator and both it and the downstairs rad I've "spurred" it off refuse to get hot. The new rad is fitted with a bidirectional TRV. All other rads and hot water work fine, so it seems highly likely I've got an air lock. It's a standard vented system with a fill and expansion tank.
Trying to clear the air lock in the usual way by turning off all other rads doesn't work.
I think I may need to back fill using a hose pipe (acknowledging care needed to ensure adequate F&E overflow arrangements). Unfortunately I didn't fit a lockshield valve with an integral drain cock to the new rad.
My question is this: to save me draining everything down again, is there any easy way to connect a hosepipe to the air locked rad via the radiator plug aperture?
Thanks in advance for any advice offered. Sorry if this has already been answered, but I did do a fairly thorough search.