Hi everyone, new member here with a problem that I'd like some advice on please. I'm having trouble with the 2 way wiring between my upstairs and downstairs.
Downstairs, there is a double switch. The right hand switch as you look at the front turns the downstairs light on and off. The left hand switch works the upstairs landing light. However, the function of this- and of the single upstairs landing light switch- depend on the position of each switch- i.e, sometimes it won't work from downstairs until the upstairs is switched, etc. This is driving me nuts!
This is the back of the downstairs switch, looking down from above. Just the black and red of the down stairs light on the left of shot, and the 2 way wiring on the right of image-
-and this is the back of the upstairs switch, again looking down the wall from above- single black, blue and yellow wires, and two red wires joined together with a piece of terminal block-
Amy suggestions please? Thanks!