I am a first time blogger on this site , I know a bit about electrics I did a city and guilds in 1987 witch is far out dated I know.
I have recently had a load bearing wall taken out , to cut a long story short I had to fit two RSJs along side each other so I got a flush ceiling fitting, to get to the question I want to ask , I had to cut all the main cables leading from the front of the house to the back and drill holes in the RSJs ,feed the cables through the holes and then I joined the cables back up using junction boxes (I did use the correct amp junction boxes ).
But since I have been told that I need to now have the whole house rewired.
I have been reading your forum about junction boxes having to be accessible and fixed fitting a cross batten in the centre 1/3 of the depth of the joist , in case later someone tries to cut into the ceiling ,I also read the bit about maintenance free junction boxes , all of witch I found very useful.
where I joined the wires above is a landing and directly under the stairs is a ceiling obviously, what I want to know is am I allowed to use maintenance free boxes, and put the floor boards and ceiling back without having to be accessible.
I am now thinking of calling in a qualified electrician to finish the job , its done my head in can you give me rough I how much it will cost me.
Can the the problem be solved with out having the whole house rewired.
please help