I have an old garage roof with corrugated roof panels...I always thought asbestos is harmful if it is broken? Or if you cut,drill through it etc
I have firstly taken out all the old moss with a scraper...i did damp it a little first...then I jetwashed it. I now want to make this roof look new....hence paint it. The roof itself is in good condition.
I wore no gloves mask nothing...yes it looks very clean but talking to a mate at the pub when I mentioned it to him what a fantastic job I had done and what I was going to do next,he looked at me in a strangevway and said to becarefull as asbestos is harmfull.
Now I have done hours of research on the internet but its too late I think....I can not sleep and suffer saviour anxiety. I believe trying to improve this roof I may have done some great harm to myself.
To be honest I can not stop worrying.i Have stopped opening the Windows at the back and also am not allowing my kids to play at the back garden. The garage is not part of the house but very close due to the extension I got done
I can not afford to replace the roof as I lost more then enough money with a builder who did a runner. All I am doing is picking all the work he left!
I would firstly appreciate your advise and help on my problem.I also would appreciate what I could do to finish this roof. I did go to my local DIY and he advised to put waterproof pva then a good quality waterproof paint. I thought putting pva the paint wwould bubble in future?
Thank you for taking time reading my issues and I await in anticipation for advise and help