I have a ROBUS RRF10 thermostat and have tried to wire it to switch an electric fan heater and can not get it to work.
Inside the cover is a wireing diagram for each terminal, 2 Live in, 3 Negative in (if used for heating), 4 Negative in (if used for cooling), 5 & 6 with no indication what they are for, just a circle with a cross in it. I thought this was for the heater.
The unit has terminals 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 and 6, in that order.
The wireing instruction sheet states.
D. For heating control use the normally closed contact (terminals 2 and 3) or for cooling use the normally open contacts (terminals 2 and 4).
E. For the neon indicator, a neutral line is required. Connect N to terminal 6 and link terminal 5 to either terminal 4 or 3 to show heating or cooling is required.
It seems simple and probably is but I can't get it to work.
Please can anyone offer assistance.