I'd be grateful for any advice: I know I need to get a Gas Safe person to look at it - I'm just trying to understand what might be going on in advance.
The boiler is installed in the garage. I've noticed that when it is very cold overnight there is a small amount of water on a worktop under the boiler. The water seems to be coming from a small hole in the underside of the casing on the right-hand side of the boiler next to a small earthing strap. The hole looks as if it is meant to be there. It does seem to be that the colder it gets, the more water there is, but it is generally just a few drops. No pressure issues and everything is working - so far.
I've looked inside the case but can't see any obvious union where the leak is from. No lying water or scaling visible. I was wonder if it might be condensation but it seems too much for that. Anyone had this fault before ?
Thank you for your time.