by Blacktom »
Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:19 am
Recently moved house, the boiler was meant to have been serviced. Invoice provided, but suspect that this was done by a friend of a friend! Unfortunately the people who sold Us the house no longer live in this country. The problem (s) open a hot tap anywhere in the house and cold water only comes out and no hot water except for one bath tap. Open this tap and it then allows hot water to come out of other taps but you must leave it open while you use another tap! The boiler is a combi boiler, relatively new, believed to be c. 2008 ish. The boiler is in an upstairs room next to the bathroom with the hot tap that when open allows water out!! It was suggested that we would need to open up and view all the pipes hot and cold through out the house, considering most of these are hidden in walls, ducts, behind tiles etc etc I do not want and assume I don't need to. Anyone got any ideas please!!!!