Hi. This is my first post here - I've thought of joining a forum like this for a while as I'm really no good at DIY!
For a while now the electricity in this house does weird things. Sometimes the lights flicker briefly, occasionally the oven will switch itself on for a microsecond. But last night my son plugged in his computer and ... well we all heard a bang. Now all the applicances switch on and off very rapidly: the lights, fridge ... everything that's on all the time. It's very scary, especially as it's accompanied by the smell of burning. The only way to stop it is to flick the master fuse switch. Now for the weird part. I tried to identify if there's one particular fuse that's faulty by switching them off one by one: the arcing continues. If I switch all the fuses off then flick on the master switch, the flickering/ burning recommences. The problem must be coming from something before the fuse box. But the problem definitely started the very instant my son plugged in his computer.
A few more details. We bought this house from a guy who really didn't know what he was doing. The fuse box is a spaghetti mess. We spent €3000 improving the wiring of this house, but mosly it was only downstairs. Another piece of information, we live in France, but I guess that doesn't change anything.
Thanks very much for any advice. Obviously, I don't have any electricity so I'm writing this on my phone. If I don't reply straight away, it's because I have no more charge. Today is Sunday, so I can't call an electrician, and next week I'm too busy at work to be able to stay at home to get one to come. This is why I'm posting here. Hopefully someone will have some ideas!
Thanks once again.