Damp Edges of Floorboards in Bedroom in Ground Floor Flat - Possible Solution?
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Damp Edges of Floorboards in Bedroom in Ground Floor Flat - Possible Solution?

by richgeorge » Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:33 pm


I noticed some of the floorboards in my bedroom (lower ground floor victorian flat) in the bay window were getting damp towards the edges.

I've taken the skirting boards off, and discovered that the gap between the floorboards and the wall is very narrow (I know you're supposed to leave a gap for the floorboards to expand into, but this hasn't been done). Also, there has been a coax cable wedged in what gap there was, and the expanded floorboards have squashed it hard against the wall. Parts of the floorboards are in direct contact with the wall.

I'm wondering, could this coax cable be acting as a bridge between the wall and the floorboards, and allow moisture to transfer over?

Also, the DPM seems to be the liquid kind, and isn't in particularly good condition in this area (no problems elsewhere in the house though). Taking up the floorboards is basically out of the question except as a very last resort.

My proposed solution is outlined below. I aim to remove the cable and instead lay it behind the skirting board. Then I will cut back the floorboards to allow a bigger gap (I've had to do this elsewhere in the house anyway, since the expanding floorboards have raised up in the middle of the room). Then I aim to paint as much liquid DPM around the edges of the room as I can (without taking up the floorboards) to renew it and make it more effective.

Could this solution work?

Thanks in advance for anyones help!

Existing configuration:


Cut back floorboards and add more DPM


New configuration. Will this work?


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Re: Damp Edges of Floorboards in Bedroom in Ground Floor Flat - Possible Solution?

by thedoctor » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:56 pm

The cable could possibly be a bridge but therealproblem is the damp getting in in the first place. The liquid taking might helpin the short termbut really you are only addressing the effects;it's the cause that really needs addressing.

Clearly damp is travelling through the wall.The wall may need repointing or a french drain may need to be placed outside against it (See our page on french drains here https://www.diydoctor.org.uk/projects/wh ... -drain.htm )

With a liquid taking placed only in a few areas the damp willmeet this barrier and either gather behind it,causing it to "burst" eventually or the damp will simply find another route to the air it needs to evapourate.

Take a look at allof our pages on damp and damp proof courses and make sure you nderstand exactly what is happening within your walls.You should then be able to find the most cost-effective solution.

On these pages you willsee the contact number of an excellent damp proofing comany we work closely with. They are happy to provide you with free advice also;just use the telephone number you willfind there

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