About a month or so ago our ring main MCB tripped for no apparent reason. I reset it and since then it trips on a random basis, mostly in the early hours of the morning but not at times when you might expect it to if there was a loading problem e.g. when the tumble drier, toaster kettle are all doing their stuff.
Most of the time when it trips the only things switched on are fridge, freezer i.e. the usual "permanent" items.
There are no signs of appliances or sockets not working between spurious trips so I don't think there is permanent cable damage anywhere.
I am now wondering if the MCB is faulty because it's an old push button type of at least 20 years vintage.
We will be getting a re-wire later this year when we have an extension built but I don't want to hang around for a solution until then because randomly having to reset the MCB is starting to get on my nerves!
Any advice welcome, thank you