potterton suprima 40 boiler
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potterton suprima 40 boiler

by chocca » Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:40 pm

Hi, I've read the old threads about the suprima boilers and their dodgy pcb's but I'm not sure if the fault on mine is covered...

On a 'normal' day it works just dandy. Room gets cold, stat calls, boiler heats rads.

Water tank gets cold, tank stat calls, boiler heats tank. Yay!

These days... Room gets cold, room stat calls, boiler LED f;lashes yellow on for 2 seconds, off for one, and boiler doesn't fire. There's 240v at the 'call' terminal and no voltage at the pump output If I turn off the boiler control knob, the LED flashes yellow on/off like a car indicator.

The same effect for hot water too.

It can be 'off' all day (yesterday for example) and we go to bed cold, only for the thing to come to life in the middle of the night. It'll work fine for a few days sometimes, other times like this week it's been playing up all the time - and it's really not the weather for it

Every now and again it'll lockout and the LED will light red. Sometimes it'll reset to green and the boiler will fire, sometimes it'll go back to the flashing yellow and sod all will happen.

I've got the handbook and there's a comprehensive list of LED codes - just not the yellow on for 2 seconds/off for 1 - so, does it sound like a candidate for a PCB change?

Thanks for reading

ps, It's about 3 years old and has the enclosed pcb with the square black reset button and single 3-colour LED

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by stoneyboy » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:00 pm

Get BG in they know about the problem with these boilers. Unless you have a service agreement its going to cost you big time!

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