Pressure Gauge on Trianco Eurostar immersion cylinder
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Pressure Gauge on Trianco Eurostar immersion cylinder

by Lancastrian » Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:20 pm

We have a Tianco Eurostar Oil fired Condensing CH Boiler in the utility room downstairs with what I call an an iImmersion Cylinder in the upstairs airing cupboard.
There is a dial/gauge attached to the piping above the immersion cylinder which shows te Psi from 0 to 6.
What is the normal operating reading - It currently shows just above number one when the heating is on.
I can't find any information in the literature.
Everything is working fine but I am a layman as far as heating systems are concerned and just need to be sure what the safe levels are and what to watch out for as far as the gauge levels are concerned