Can anyone help me with what seems, looking through this site, as a back boiler with a primatic tank upstairs! i now half understand how one works,as when i first looked at it ,i could not understand why i could not find a second tank for the central heating side of things,and if not why one would not be showering in water, that had been in the radiators!!!
Any way my primatic tank has its reservoir on top as part of the copper tank ,and as yet have not found anything like this on the net.would this be called a nordic primatic tank?????
The tank seems to have a leak the size of a pin prick in it at the top of the hot water reservoir!and is only producing warm water, not hot!This system has obviously been there since the year dot,and i will i think end up replacing the system with a combi boiler !
So why ask,well coz knowledge is king,and i need to know!
Thanks Paul