by eggers »
Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:02 pm
That is one oldddd system! the priority hot water valve will have to be updated because of energy efficiency regulations! They do look extremely similar to newer 3-port valves and only really distinguishable because the priority valves has 3 wires instead of 3-port valve's 5 wires. So when the people you had round to give a quote, probably saw it and not really understood what they were looking at.
They work like a combi diverter valve where the hot water must be heated and reach temp first before the heating will activate, which means having the hot water on all the time.
I suspect it is faulty to begin with if you need to run the hot water off first, because it's not bringing boiler on for heating... but i'm not entirely sure as i have never ever seen one outside a training bay!
htg eng, the Corvec is an old Chaffoteaux boiler, looks like one of their instanteous water heater units. They stopped making it in 1984 so not many left, watch out for asbestos risks