I am hoping that one of you wonderful people will be able to help me.
I am trying to replace a three gang light switch in my hall way. The switch operates the upstairs landing light (which also has a switch up stairs), the porch light and the hall way light - both of these last two switches are only controlled from this switch - i.e. there are no others.
The existing switch has:
Top Row - L3 (empty) / L2 connected / L1 connected / L3 empty / L2 connected
Bottom Row - L1 connected to the cable in the wall and also to the other L1
on this row /L3 connected / L2 connected / L1 connected
The new switch has Top Row L1 / L2 / Com / L1 / L2
Bottom Com / L1 / L2 / COM
(I've attached some pictures to hopefully make things clearer - the switch with the black back connectors is the new one.)
I am at a complete loss of how to wire this up. I've tried a few things and i cannot seem to get all the lights working, so far the best I have had is two of them working and the worst - none of them working - where am I going wrong?