Replacing Water Mains from boundary to house
I am replacing the main water service pipe to 25mm MDPE as the property has a shared supply and the old steel pipe is leaking before the stopcock just above the floor , so the whole lot needs replacing to boundary mains
The local Water Board is Severn Trent
Can someone advise me on the following as i don't know what kit to use for the following ??
1/ In Severn Trent guide it states ---- Service pipes should be laid below any gas pipes, electricity and telephone cables and above any drains or sewers. If the service pipe passes under a foul sewer for any reason it must be ducted (covered in a protective sheath) for a metre either side.
What should I use as the pipe will run below the Sewer pipe so it needs to be ducted ,also does it need to be sealed as well ?
2/ when the new mains enter the house it should also be ducted and insulated as well as the end sealed , again what should I use for this , was going to use a long radius soil pipe bend for the duct and some 28mm insulation ? not sure about the end seals ?
Any help would be appreciated