Retrofit of period cast iron fireplace to victorian semi
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Retrofit of period cast iron fireplace to victorian semi

by The_Journey_of_No13 » Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:53 pm

I'm in the process of restoring a fireplace, and I'm a bit stuck on a few things. Hoping there might be some users here with some experience of HEATAS, and associated regulations who can chime in..

I have a beautiful square meter of cast iron I want to put back on the chimney. I'm aware I need to get the chimney swept, and have a smoke test completed for buildings insurance certification.. but I'm unsure on the following;

Will I require a flue if I just want to light it for occasional use?

Assuming no flue is needed - does the aperture need storing to the original builders opening, or is an opening the size of the fireback + damper sufficient?

Assuming a flue is required, I assume the builders opening will need to be restored to its original size to allow sufficient access to fit a flue.

In terms of the order of the work, I'm thinking of addressing it as follows;

a) Restore to either size of fireback / builders opening. Ensure cavity of fireplace is pointed correctly.
b) Chimney swept, (and if required flue installed)
c) Fit fireplace, hearth & anchor to wall
d) Seal fireplace surround with multipurpose plaster
e) HEATAS professional to complete smoke test, and get certificate for insurance

Am I missing anything fundamental here, or am I broadly on the right lines?

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