Hello Everyone,
I bought a house in May of last year and spent much time, effort and money updating and upgrading it. With the cold snap coming in though the drafts coming from under the floor at ground level are crazy.
I took up some of the floor boards to have a look and there is a lot of space down there, its between 1.5m and 1.7 m high depending on the area so it should be reasonable to work in. I have been considering my insulation options.
I have left over insulation from other jobs including, 1 roll SF19 multifoil, 1 roll of double sided foil buddle style, i roll of single sided buddle foil, and a host of XPS boards (enough to do about a third of the GF).
I am considering using the XPS boards and fitting them directly onto the beams (wording?!), do i need to use foil also to stop moisture?
Ill still need something else to complete the job though. I was thinking a kingspan/ecotherm rigid board, for budget Id like to stick with not having to use foiled boards, is that likely to cause issues going forward?
Advice appreciated.