Robinson Willey Sahara LFE Gas Fire Won't Light
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Robinson Willey Sahara LFE Gas Fire Won't Light

by philiptory » Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:09 pm

Hello, I need some advice please. re. my Gas Fire, Robinson Willey Sahara LFE.
My gas fire won't light.
1. The spark ignition has been a bit dodgy for a while, even though I bought a new tap/spark unit and had it fitted by a gas engineer last winter. It soon stopped working, so I used a 'gas wand' to light it.
2. Now winter is here, I press the tap knob down, turn to ignite, tried to light it from the gas wand ... the pilot light came on and I waited a few second before turning the tap up to full. The fire lit all over, but when I let go of the tap knob, it all went out again. I guess there's some kind of thermal device that cuts off the gas completely? Has it stuck / needs cleaning?
3. Twice now, I managed to get the fire alight on full power for a minute or so, but then it cut out again.
Any ideas please? I can take the casing off to do basic cleaning / vacuuming dust out, but know I need to get an £ngin££r to do the complex stuff. ;=)
Just need some guidance on what's gone wrong.

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