I'm going to have to revise that, picked up a switch today and the manufacturer used different numbering! the original switch wires go into the ones NOT marked COM (known as Strappers in the trade).
you need to find a book or similar with diagrams as there is more than one way of wiring two way switching. where possible use three core and earth cable, wiring in singles can make Hearing Aids Whistle as you may create a Induction Loop! with three core and earth you join the three matching switch ...
Don't lose youself in the technical stuff Eric, the simple truth is the majority of British homes have oboslete fuseboards which were never designed to take RCD's and RCBO's to provide the protection now required for certain additions to existing Electrical Installations after June 2008. For a speci...
I am an Electrician who came across this Site whilst searching for some information, having looked through the Forum and some of the advice given in the articles, I have to break the News to you that some of the advice and information on this Site will become oboslete and incorrect on the 30th June ...