I installed a Mayfair Surf set of mixer taps and a screwed a simple rain head shower fitting (Screwfix) into the wall. However, the shower runs cold.
There was an old mixer faucet that worked fine and ran a perfect temperature that could be adjusted normally however with my DIY installation of this one; it errr, doesn't anymore!!
When installing the taps i cut the pipes and replaced with flexible tap connectors (push to fit). During the cutting i did note that there was somekind of valve or something on the pipe. Didn't have a clue what it was and have since binned the piece in question.
I had assumed that the water merely mixed in the faucet and produced my shower. It appears that i have underestimated this somewhat.
When i turn the hot water on out in comes and i can hear the pump engage from my boiler (which is standard immersion i think). When i turn the cold on, even just a little, it seems to overpower the hot and i hear the pump turning off. The shower then runs cold.
My guess at this is that the mains pressure overrides the hot water pressure. I am guessing about possible solutions and have come up with the following:
1) I have cut out a valve. Not sure what type of valve but maybe a non return valve or a pressure reducing valve. No idea to be honest.
2) The hot water pump needs upgrading to push it through .
3) i need a plumber as i am clearly out of my depth... ;-\
Any ideas??
Is this a costly fix if i require a pro?