Hi All,
Having an issue with our shower pump... (Only hot water is pumped)
Our shower is activated by pushing down a collar/ring on our bath tap. If you are just using the tap to fill the bath (i.e. hot + cold on full) then the pump is fine. However, if you left the taps full on and push the collar to push it up to the shower head mounted on the wall the pump will falter.
It seems to happen when you have a certain amount of cold going up - you can put hot on full and cold say 1/3 on no problems (which is a nice temp to have a shower) however if you pushed the cold tap further it will cut out and no hot water will be pumped (cold keeps on going as it isn't pumped).
Pump resumes as soon as you turn the cold off / down enough - doesn't require and cool down time or anything.
As it seems to work fine through the taps my current thinking is that maybe the pump isn't powerful enough or faulty?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!