I have had a smart meter fitted, forced to fit one if I want paying for export, and also split tariff can reduce costs further, so totally see the point. But it came with a little monitor, we placed it on the TV stand and started to observe the readings, from sun up to sun down it alternates screens from no import to no export for most of the time, this time of year on a sunny day around 1 pm we start to see export.
Between 6 pm and 9 pm depending on how charged the batteries are, we see it show some import, but then we go to bed, so it tells me very little about usage, and the solar panel software plus three plug in energy monitors and two clamp on ammeters tell me far more about energy use.
It seem some monitors do connect to internet, but not the one we have, there is a BG app which shows what you have used, with a two day delay. OK the app it seems can also be used to view our account, and change so items, but that is not really anything to do with the monitoring.
So if you don't have a solar array and battery, you don't need a smart meter, if you do, what the display shows is useless, so why are we given this useless display? What am I missing?