by ericmark »
Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:03 pm
Step one was to make a lead to test the Line / Neutral impedance. One came with meter for Line / Earth but that is not really any good when we are using RCD as it is the Line / Neutral readings which are the limiting factor.
I have argued the fact many times as to if the tripping current for magnetic part of MCB/RBCO or the volt drop should be limiting factor. However both are very close and since the impedance to trip the magnetic part is slightly lower than impedance to keep volt drop within 5% I personally go for magnetic part of MCB. i.e. with direct short it will disconnect within 0.1 seconds.
You of course want it to trip at the end of spur so with B type MCB at 32A the impedance must be lower than 1.44 measured. Assuming the house is in use then using the correction formula is not required and I would not want to be sailing so close to wind to need to use it for spur. So 1.44 – 3 x 0.018 = 1.38 ohms so with a impedance of 1.38 ohms you can install the maximum of 3 meters with a spur in accordance with 433.2.2 which limits spur length. After which you need to use a fuse connection unit and then the name changes and it is no longer a spur but a radial.
But you are not permitted 13 meters for a spur so in your case you need a fused connection unit and then it is the 13A fuse and 2.42 ohms impedance so unlikely a problem.
As to on site guide when I took my BS7671:2008 the guide had not been printed so I have never bought one. I will admit the "(ii) Its length does not exceed 3 m, it is installed in such a manner as to reduce the risk of fault to a minimum, and it is installed in such a manner as to reduce to a minimum the risk of fire or danger to persons" seems to be missed out of the earlier copies of the on site guide but the device protecting a conductor against overload is the fuse in the plug at end of the spur so it must be within 3 meters. Also the position of the protective device has neither branch circuits nor outlets for connection of current-using equipment is of course the reason why only a single device is permitted at the end of the spur, be that a single or double socket or a FCU.