Suitable Filler for OSB Floor Joints and Also Then Paint?
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Suitable Filler for OSB Floor Joints and Also Then Paint?

by Colink » Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:33 am

Suggestions for filler for OSB joints so that painted surface will not crack.

We have installed OSB boards over existing sound floorboards. The edges of most joints have no gaps other than what would naturally occur with the slightly textured edges of the boards from the manufacturer.

The boards have been screwed at approx 400mm widths into joists so there should be little movement.

Gaps around edges, up to skirting boards (which were not removed for a number of reasons) are obviously not so consistent

We intend to prime the floors and fairly uniquely add a large mural on the floor and seal with a strong transparent finish (maybe yacht varnish - will do another post on this).

Please suggest a suitable filler for the main joints (where boards join) and same or different filler for edges at skirting boards.

For joins between boards should I use a rigid filler like isopon, or something flexible like Silicone or something else.

Same question for floor perimeter where gaps are larger and met the skirting boards.

Thanks ColinK

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