I am constructing a wooden framed sun terrace at the rear of my property. The terrace will be located above an existing extension with a sloping tiled roof. The property is terraced and on either side the ajoining properties form the left and right walls of the existing extension. ie, the area for the sun terrace is between the two walls above my extension and runs from the original back wall of my property to the edge of the sloping tiled roof extension. I do not want the sun terrace to be in contact with the extension sloping roof.
The plan is to fix two verticals in a secure base either side of the extension, fixing them to my extension wall. A horizontal would join the two verticals together. Another horizontal running along the length of the original rear wall would be secured in place. These 4 pieces would then form the base of a cantilever type to provide further front to back supports as necessary finally with decking on top.
What are the best fixings for the rear horizontal to the original wall?
Can anyone offer any additional guidance to the project? Thanks Steve