First post, and I apologize in advanced for my lack of building and structural knowledge.
Firstly my parents live in a two bedroomed bungalow which, to my knowledge, has always suffered from being damp, they even run two dehumidifiers (whether they are decent or not, i do not know.)
My parents won't get any builders involved as they think it is a waste of time and the house will always remain damp, but I think otherwise and want to advise them on getting help.
The exterior walls seem to get mould of them the worst, however, the interior walls get mouldy too. Underneath the house the floor is usually wet, when at it's worst there are big puddles down there.
So, what can be done and any advice / knowledge on why this is and what is causing it?
I don't want my parents living like this and don't think it is healthy, the house has a very musty horrible damp smell and a lot of things can get damp and even moudly if left near the walls.
please help!!! (There is only so much i can clean! )
Thank you! :)