training as a decorator
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training as a decorator

by Tonyonly » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:43 pm

My son-in-law is shortly being made redundant and needs a job which allows him to collect his son from school or after-school club. I have suggested he re-trains as a painter/decorator and later takes courses in basic plastering, bricklaying etc. which would enable him to earn a reasonable living as a jobbing builder. Can you recommend a good training organisation and are any grants available once he is registered as a jobseeker?


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Re: training as a decorator

by JRS » Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:57 pm

No course will make you a decorator or any other trade other than a full apprenticeship. Just my opinion. Its unfortunate that he will be losing his job but Passing himself as a qualified decorator isnt the way forward. If he wants to become his own boss and a pro decorator then hard work and a 4 year apprecticeship is the way forward.

Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:13 pm

Re: training as a decorator

by Tonyonly » Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:05 pm

Thanks for reply. Perhaps I didn't clarify the position. He doesn't intend to "pass himself off" but to offer more of a handyman service to landlords who just want a cheap and cheerful clean-up job. He's in an area (Walthamstow) where there are lots of low standard properties to rent and first-time-buyers who can't afford professional rates. I should add that he's got a good work ethic and already looks after three properties for my son. I don't live in London but if he needs advice he rings me and would not take on a job he was incapable of. Over a few years he will add to his skills by experience and taking courses but he's just wary of dodgy training providers.

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