Turfing Nightmare After Major Drainage Work
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Turfing Nightmare After Major Drainage Work

by dw89 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:39 pm

Hi All,

I wondered if people could tell me what they think about this and let me know?

I just had a large back garden turfed (in December) after some, quite serious, re-work/drainage etc. All was going well until it came to the turfing. It was sooooo wet that the grading machines couldn't do their work. In the end the contractor used 'tens' of tonnes of 'compost' (a DIY one and not particularly well composted compost either) to 'level' the bog the soil had become and then just laid the turf on top. It's so wet that, if you stand on it, you sink....simple as that.

Obviously I wasn't too happy (to say the least). On the face of it (to look at it), it 'seems' ok but look closer and think we've got turf, on a lot of compost, on a bog. Surely compost should be rotavated 'into' the soil not popped on top? It will continue breaking down and leave divets wont it? And that's if the soil underneath all of that even dries out in the first place.

So...honestly, this can't be normal practice? I would have thought you'd simply wait until it was dry..or am I the mad one?

Thoughts, very much, appreciated:)


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