I understand most of the aspects of RCD protection.
The milliamp range of 10 (garden use where you want discrimination between garden and main 30ma consumer unit mounted unit.
30ma for personal protection
300ma for fire protection
500ma for sockets over 32 amp on building sites.
And the times with 40 milliseconds at 5 times rated ma value in most cases and 2 times ma value for TT systems.
Also that the Amps rating of some RCD’s even with same ma rating means one designed for a plug top is a lot cheaper than one designed to fit in a consumer unit.
Also that where combined with a MCB i.e. a RBCO that normally they are only single pole and as a result can’t be used in caravans.
Even the S type or time delay I under stand where decimation is required and even the combined RCD and RCM where a bar graph shows earth leakage giving a warning before it trips.
Active and passive where they drop out or hold in when the supply fails the active being popular to stop motor restart on power failure i.e. plugs supplying lawn mowers ant the like. Also auto resetting RCDs which test the circuit and resume supply when tripped through atmospheric conditions etc.
But when we come to different types of wave form and how likely they are to trip with positive or negative cycle and how the different electronic systems within the RCD are more or less susceptible to wave form distortion then I am out of my depth.
I know because the way they sense some 30ma RCD’s are less susceptible than others at erroneous tripping. I know it is all to do with wave form and uses electronics in a clever way to avoid tripping where switch mode power supplies and the like distort the wave form but as to selecting the types which are more or less susceptible to this wave form distortion with 3rd and 5th Harmonics I really do get lost. In layman’s terms I only have a foundation degree not an honours what do I look for to select the type less likely to trip.