Unusual Shower Trap That Needs Fixing
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Unusual Shower Trap That Needs Fixing

by dartiss » Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:25 pm


My shower, fitted before I moved into the house, has a shower trap that I'm trying to fathom out (and fix, if required).

Inside the trap is a tube similar to this one, but with a rounder "handle" on top...


Over the top of this sits a cover, similar to this but with slots in it so that the handle over the above tube can stick through...


Originally, the washer around the tube was lose and didn't do much - eventually it got lost (probably went down the drain). I put a new one on, which fits tightly in a groove around the outside. However, the tube is not a tight fit and the best I can get it so that only the tube itself is in the drain and the entire handle sticks up - a toe stubbing accident waiting to happen.

Does anybody know what the purpose of the tube is (it seems to be good at collecting hair, although I don't know how) and how it should be fitted?

I have no idea of the model of my shower tray.

Any help would be appreciated.


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