I need to replace an internal cupboard door that's 1950 x 680 x 40 (mm). I want to do it on the cheap, I'm thinking B&Q or Screwfix standard flush door, trim a bit and reuse the hinges and lock. The doorframe is still sound.
The problem I'm having is: I'm finding plenty of 1981 x 686 doors, which will trim down fine, BUT - they are all 35mm thick. If I fit one of these, it won't be flush with the frame, it will look recessed by 0.5mm.
If I filter by 40mm thickness, there's nothing the right size. I've looked pretty much everywhere I can think of, short of having something custom made which would work out too expensive.
It seems 1981 x 686 x 40mm is just not a standard British size. Yet that's what I seem to have (it's a 1960s house after all).
Any tips? The only thing I can think of is to get the 35mm door and fit a 0.5 bit of foam padding on the top and bottom corners, thereby killing two birds with one stone: 1. The door fits and 2. It closes silently... Would that work or is there a better way? Thanks.