Unvented cylinder banging when hot water on?
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Unvented cylinder banging when hot water on?

by Davetoff » Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:44 am


I recently bought a house and decided to update the old heating system from a tank in the attic to an unvented system. All was well for a bit, until the cylinder started banging when the hot water was on. I got the company who installed it, back in and after they replaced pretty much every part except the cylinder and boiler, decided to get the cylinder people in to take a look (Baxi). Baxi decided to replace the cylinder and it was dropped off the other day. One thing that worries me about this, is that the problem may come back after a new cylinder is replaced, as I have a nagging feeling that the towel rail in the bathroom, which uses the hot water and the heating system to heat up, is causing the issue with the cylinder! Please could someone advise what I should do? As i’m not sure whether a towel rail that heats up with hot water and heating system simultaneously is ok, especially with an unvented system? Not even sure how this is possible to start with!

Help would be very appreciated as I’ve been banging my head against a wall with this one for a long time!


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