I would like to upgrade the electrics in my garage (new house) as the current ones are geriatric and almost certainly not fit for my purposes. However, the garage is about 25-30 metres from house, in a row of other garages.
I need to be able to run machinery (lathe, mill, etc) and power tools in the garage. I may also want to weld in their at some point. For this I need adequate, stable supply and more wall sockets (currently there is only one - a powered door opener is plugged into it).
I am a little perplexed as to where the supply for the garage is coming from exactly. It doesn't seem to be connected to the house's consumer unit (none of the CU switches cut supply to garage)
If any of you fine folk were able to look at the accompanying images and shed any light on the method of connection that would be great.
Also, as I understand it, I want a 6A lighting circuit and a 30A socket circuit and mini consumer/breaker unit... sound right? So, the most important question is, assuming the cable that runs to the garage is connected somewhere sensible in the house, will it be suitable to upgrade all the garage end stuff... or do you think I will need to lay a new cable (probably not possible with all the stuff in between house and garage.
I have more photos of various bits closer up and could take more if required. Thank you so much for any help and advice you're able to give.
Electrics in house
Supply coming into garage
Electrics in garage