Various Cracks in Ceiling in Property I've Just Moved to
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Various Cracks in Ceiling in Property I've Just Moved to

by yoga1983 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 3:28 pm

I moved into my house in May this year (2018), the house was built in 1983.

In the last couple of weeks I have noticed a number of cracks appearing in ceilings and I am at a loss to know why.

First cracks, first noticed in the bathroom, a crack running the length of the room in a near straight line (hair line), this appears to follow the gap between to bits of dryboard and near where it is attached to the roof truss, I popped into the attic as the cold water tanks are directly above to see if I could see a leak (no staining on ceiling), no leak could be seen. Therefore I presumed that this was down to the humidity in the bathroom as the fan is rubbish and there is no window.

Then today when going up in the loft I noticed that the ceiling was also cracked the length of the landing, this is almost in line with the crack in the bathroom but with the crack stopping and starting, again no sign of water leaks. Not sure if this is linked but is strange it follows the same path.

The other crack in the ceiling is in the lounge, again hair line extending around 30cm out, directly above is the bathroom and if you trace where the crack is it is just to the side of the bath where you get out and possible next to a heated towel rail.

There is a waste pipe buried under a tiled floor in the bathroom in the area, I have checked as much as I can for leaks without causing damage. The lounge crack has no water marks.

Any ideas what could be causing cracks, should I be getting a plumber out for both or a builder for the cracks in the 1st floor ceiling?

The survey said there were no issues structurally.


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