by SJLoveday »
Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:22 pm
Hi There, I thought I'd find this topic in the projects section... anyway, our water suffers a pressure drop when more than one appliance is being used, eg, 2 taps at the same time, or a shower and a toilet, etc. No less than 3 different plumbers have looked at it, and all have declared it impossible. One said we have 4 bar pressure at the mains. Nevertheless, despite the plumbers' opinions, the pressure continues to drop. I don't know about the bars, but a t-joint blew out a while ago and the jet that came roaring out was unbelievable, so I obviously the intrisic pressure is high. So, how can we have such high pressure and yet such drops? Most of the tubing in the house is standard black alky, although some has been replaced with HepO2. Any advice would be very appreciated and I'm happy to supply any more details, thanks.