Hello again All,
Now I have the information I need to fit my door frame my next question is which course up from DPC do I start to lay my cavity wall ties? If I start on the first course up from DPC I will need to lay one course of common bricks on the inner leaf so the wall ties will line up with the third course of bricks on the outer leaf, so perhaps I need to start laying wall ties on the third course of brick (which will then line up with the first course of block) up from DPC. This seems too hight up from DPC but I don't know and I'm just concerned that I don't want to get started laying bricks & blocks and then find that I should have started a course of so lower down, plus if I laye a course of common bricks on the inner leaf these will be seen on the inside of the building (workshop).
Many thanks again,
Lee Hewitt.