Hi I am currently revamping my toilet. I am Good at DIY and do most of my jobs. I have installed 4 downlights. Removed the cord switch and replaced it with an outside switch in the hall. I have installed an LED mirror and have started to install an xpelair humidistat timer fan. I have it in position and connected it to three core and earth cable. I realise that the earth is simply sheathed. I have wired the brown cable to the live in the fan, the black to the neutral and the grey to the timed terminal. I have a lighting spur as my mains source.
Now the advice that I require is for you to explain how to connect this. I have a 1gang 2way switch and I also have a 3pole insulating switch. I would appreciate if you could start your explanation from my power source and tell me where to connect each cable to. I have extra cable (3 core and earth and 2 core and earth. Sorry the final thing to say is that I did not want the fan to come on when I switch on my lights. That is why I want to use a separate switch.
I hope someone will be able to assist me with this.
Many Thanks