by Uboss »
Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:24 pm
[quote="kbrownie"]It is do-able, is it a new circuit or are you intending to take a fused connection unit from an exsisting circuit. If you create a new circuit from the consumer unit it will need to be notified to your local building controls office and a electrical installation certificate be issued. If it is additon to a circuit and not in special location (bath/shower rooms, kitchens, outdoors etc) It does not need to be notifed and can be done by a person that is not registered to the domestic installers scheme but a minor works certificate will be needed.
The circuit is existant it is on the first floor ring main and it is for connecting LED lights in a bathroom but the sockets are outside the bathroom. I was wondering how, as I seen it before, how I could control a socket with a swictch. I know I could control them from the actual socket switch but fot confort I rather have them on a normal 1 way switch. Is it just a matter of using junction boxes as it`s done to control lighting ?