wiring for 2 lights and 2 x two way/gang switches
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wiring for 2 lights and 2 x two way/gang switches

by mikeym » Tue Aug 28, 2007 2:45 pm

I`ve knocked two bedrooms into one and i'm looking for guidance on how to wire up the two original lights to two double switches (one at each end of the room) so each light can be switched on/off from either switch.
Any advice welcomed.
Mike :?

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by sparx » Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:25 pm

Hi Mike, this will mean running two-3 core & earths between the 2 switches, so 2 more cables down each end wall!!!
If you are ok to do this then treat each as a seperate circuit, connecting one at a time. What you are doing is called a 2 way conversion. (X2).
you will need to mark each end of one cable so you know which is which!
To connect, remove one original sw. at your new 2 gang (double) sw. each half will have a Common term. plus L1 & L2. connect your original 2 core to L1 & L2, in with them put two of the three cores say brn in with red, & blk in with blk the remaining grey goes in Com. term opposite end of same sw., if correct your wires should be in a triangle of terms with a mirror image of empty terms on other sw half!
At other sw. position at other end of room take the SAME 3 core and connedt to Com (grey) L1 Brn L2 Blk, now make safe other twin & test first 2 way works ok if so do same agn but opposite way [after sw. off power agn] good luck ,
ps this should be in 'projects' in colour

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Wiring for 2 lights & 2 x 2 gang switches

by mikeym » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:47 am

Thanks for the reply Sparx.
I`ve got the gist of what to do thanks, but please confirm that when completed I will have a total of 8 cores and 3 earth wires in each switch box, this would need a deep wall box, what size would you recommend?
I`ll let you know how I get on.

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by sparx » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:37 pm

Hi mike yes that sounds right 2X3C,s & 1 X2C plus 3 ECC's, a 25mm deep box as used for single skts will be best as standard 'plaster-depth' box is tight,

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3 Lights into 2 x 3 Way Switches

by mikeym » Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:47 pm

Thanks for previous info and sorry about this but can you advise further please?
My Wife ( bless her) has now decided that two lights are not enough for the larger room we now have and wants to add a third light. (she decides this after i had just finished running the cables for the two).
We would like to be able to switch each light on independant of the others from a 3 way switch at each end of the room as previous.
We have just bought the 3rd to match the others but i`m at a loss as to how to connect these up. can you help please?
Grateful for advice.
Mike :?

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3 lights into two x 3 gang switches

by mikeym » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:52 pm

Thanks for advice, now that i`ve got three x 3 core + E cables running from switch to switch backbox`s i`m unsure about where to run the third light switch cable to.
Do I run it into either of the switches? This seems logical but this will mean 18 wires in total (inc earth wires) into one of the backbox`s.
Again please excuse my ignorance but is this correct?
I`ve nipped out and bought 35mm backbox`s as i dont think the 25mm i`ve put in will be deep enough.
Any advice welcomed
Mike :?:

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by sparx » Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:55 pm

Hi Mike, don't ya just wanna hug em? (very, VERY tightly!).
Ok, as starting this light from scratch will use another method which cuts down on the wires at your switches.
run a new 3c +E from each sw. (#3)to new light point, install new 2C + E from original light [either one] to new point, connected to Perm Lives & N, & E.
At new point put 3C's Grey_Grey & Blk_Blk in spare term. blocks,
put Blu. of twin in N of light, either one of the 3c Brns into L of Light, the remaining 2 Brns One from twin + 1 from 3C go in another spare term blk.
At switches, put Brn in Com. & grey in L1, Blk in L2 @ each end, Voila!
Or convince boss-lady to just loop third light of one of the others...
Some hopes!!
regards SPARX (sorry for delayed reply, work gone crazy, just finished @

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by mikeym » Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:41 pm

Hi Sparx
Thanks for help.
After fitting it in alongside other work the task is now complete thanks to your help.
Again many thanks
Best Regards

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