I've just finished quite an extensive remoddeling of my (small) house. Now the dust has settled i've stupidly realised I really needed to install a twin plug socket in the loft for, and ONLY for, a 15" lcd tv that will hang high on a wall in the bedroom below, and a signal booster for the aerial.
Currently the only wiring up there is lighting main, so any easily layable ring main guage wiring will have to be chased out from the fusebox up two walls and through two ceilings into the loft. There are no handy plug sockets about at that part of the house to easily extend the main from.
For two such low draw items, could I get away with taking a spur from the lighting main? or would this type of thing make the building inspectors want to shoot me?
Any other advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,