by sparx »
Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:16 am
Hi, Garyt,
the new sw's can't be much different to the old ones!!!
Landing is 2 way so must have C, L1 L2 just like the original. what's different? one wire at one end is Common other two at opposite end of sw are L1 & L2 which go one wire in each, colours Red, yellow, Blue. If you also have an additional 2 core Red & blk they go one in each L1 & L2, making 2 in each except Com. term with 1 only.
down stairs will have other end of 3 core,R,Y,Bu., they go same as upstairs but whichever colour is in Com. term upstrs MUST be same in Com. downstrs.. that should just leave 1 twin R,BK which go R in Com of other sw, & Bk in L1, L2 NOT USED, if still not sure come back with how many of what colours are at each position,
regards SPARX