by kbrownie »
Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:07 pm
Sounds like you are putting a live connection straight to light, there is no problem on other lights in house they are functioning correctly?
So from the top
All earths to earth terminal on fitting
All 3 reds in to seperate plastic connection block connected together with nothing else, if no spare connection on fitting (do not use the live terminal on the light fitting this is for switch wire only)
The 2 blacks that come from CU and from the house in the neutral on light fitting.
The remaining black should not be a neutral but be switch wire from your switch, this should be sleeved to identify it and goes to the the live on the fitting, nothing else goes in this terminal other than this wire.
If this does not work reply with what cables you have the terminal points on your fitting and the way your switch is wired up.