by kbrownie »
Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:25 am
Do you have safe means of testing for voltage and continuity?
As you need to identify which cable is the permanent live and which cables
are serving which set of lights.
I assume the only two way function is on the landing lights?
There are a number of different ways to wire up two way circuits, you need a perm live which will likely be on the switch cable of the hallway light, then the other cable of that set of twin & earth, will be the hallway switch line.
The perm live of the first cables will be linked between both gangs at the common terminal.
It is common that the red cores are used as perm live, but do not rule out the black being it, as we cannot be sure what the installer was thinking when they originally installed.
You will then have the second set of twin and earth cables, that lead to the landing light. It would be wise to look at the landing light switch set up, then replicate where the conductors go to on that switch, with regards to L1 and L2. This may need to be tested via continuity or it will be guess work.
You say you have a neutral terminal on the switch, if this is true? It does sound like you have no neutrals at the switch, so this terminal can be ignored.
A picture of your old and new switch, plus the cables could be helpful.
You have a metallic switch plate, so before you do anything you must verify that the earth is actually connected back to the supply earth and the switch plate must be directly connected to this. If you cannot verify a fault path to earth, then you must not connect metallic fittings.